Pemba, Finally!

Ola guys! I know I always apologize for taking a while to post. Let me apologize once more, only this time, I have a decent reason. We moved to Pemba about a month ago. We have most things, like our beds, table, chairs, couches, dishes, and other things. But there is one thing that we do not have: WiFi. I know you’re thinking, typical modern tween girl wanting WiFi. But honestly, I use WiFi to communicate with my friends and to give you all updates. So, it’s pretty annoying not having it. But that is not the point of this post, my good friends. This post is about Pemba! Okay, so like I said, we’ve been in Pemba for a little over a month, I think. It’s actually really cool watching how everything is coming together. The beds, then the couches, then the table, bookshelves, etc. We’ve had all of our wooden furniture made by carpenters. Our “hallelujah moment” was when we received our crate. Before we left, my mom and dad packed a large crate. It had our electric ...