
By: Gracelyn Sparks

This is me!!! 😎 

       Hi everyone! My name is Gracelyn and I am the very excited to get to have this blog! Now you're probably thinking I thought the publisher was Jenifer!? Well, I am actually Jenifer's daughter 😊. Before I get into anything, I just want to introduce myself!
        I am a 10 year old girl in the fifth grade. I love, love, love to read and code! I actually understand some of the HTML that is being used on this web page! I even know how to create the link for my mom's blog page, even though they provide a easier way here. :) The code link I actually made from HTML!  I am the middle kid of five kids, Tabitha (13), Benjamin (12), Me (10), Judah (6), and Asher (2). And I have two wonderful parents Harvey and Jenifer. My parents actually lived in Mozambique before they had their amazing kids 😏. They served for two years before returning. Now, since they have 5 kids, they are returning to Pemba, Mozambique as a family of 7.
I am very excited to be moving there!!! I can't wait to write my next post.
                                                                          This is Gracie,
                                                                               Over and Out!



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