Step 2, Complete! Step 3 is A Go!

Hey guys! Happy Easter! We have now finished training! However, because of a VISA delay and another delay, we are not yet on the mission field. 😥😥😭 But, the good part is, we get to spend more time with family! We have been staying in the mission house that we stayed in before, but we are now moving to another mission house on account of some other missionaries needing this house. Today we are packing up and heading to that house. So much has happened these past few weeks in Oklahoma. For example, I got my ears pierced last week, I got a tooth pulled Monday, and yes, oh yes, I'm getting glasses. They should arrive on Friday. It's been so much fun seeing all of our friends, but I know that we won't be delayed forever, and sooner or later we will have to say goodbye. But anyway, I'm excited for this next week because this coming Saturday is Judah's birthday, Wednesday is mom's birthday, and Thursday is, dun dun dun duuuuun, my birthday! 😂😂😜 I will be 11! My dad says we hope to leave before then, but I honestly don't care if my b-day is in America or Africa, as long as it is not the day we leave, that would be tiring and not so much fun. Right now we are doing a home school online for school. What's funny is that while we're not really busy with school, our cousins' schools are out because of a teacher walk-out. I'm happy that we get to stay in OK for a little longer, but truthfully, I'd rather be on a plane, headed out to Africa. I'm not being rude, but I just hate saying goodbyes, things are looking so good for us in Africa, and I just want to get this move over with. I know that I'm gonna miss everyone, and I'm just to bad at goodbyes. I am really thankful for all of you that are reading my blog, it's the one thing that I'm super glad that I have and where I can write to an audience, because I love writing! See you guys later!
                                                                                         Bom Dia! (Good Day),


  1. Hey Gracie!
    Glad to get your update! (And so well written!!!) I totally understand that goodbyes are difficult. I just said a ton of them myself. It’s hard because everyone else is saying goodbye to one family and you are saying goodbye to 100 families. I think in your new journey you’ll get use to goodbyes and you’ll get use to hellos as well. Pray that God gives you the content heart to be thankful for the time you do have to share with people no matter what continent you find yourself on.
    Happy birthday to you, Judah, and your mom! Give everyone a high five from me and Paige!
    Adios Chica!
    Andrew S.


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