Bucket Baths and More

At first I was really excited for Africa, and I still am. But things aren't always the best. A few days ago, I had to take a bucket bath. I went in my mom's bath, heated up water, and poured it into the bath. Once or twice a week, our electricity goes out, and we have no access to regular water. It is in these moments that I have to remember that it's his glory, our reward. I have to appreciate my family. They can be annoying and hard to agree with, but they're family. And I would rather be with them here than by myself. I didn't write this to make fun of first world countries and say that their selfish or greedy, but to say that through this, God remains faithful.


  1. You are an interesting writer, like your mother. Keep writing for God's glory! I love your posts and I'm learning a lot. Tina


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