Happy Thanksgiving; And Goodbye 6th Grade! (Finally)

Hi guys! Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you guys had an amazing Thanksgiving, and I hope that you had plenty to give thanks for! But first off, one of my friends has started a blog about a month ago. You guys should check it out here

Anyhoo, (which I now realized I've spelled wrong all along, oops 😂) the main two things that have happened since my last post are: (1) I graduated 6th grade and (2) Thanksgiving passed! Also, my dad had his birthday!

Graduation came first, so I'll start with that. Ok, but honestly it feels like I've been in the 6th grade FOREVER! I had about a semester left of 5th grade when we first moved to Nacala, Mozambique, but I did 6th grade work (we homeschooled). Then, when we went to that private school (to learn Portuguese) I was in 6th grade, but we kind of did 7th grade work. After that, we moved here (to Pemba) and we went to an international school where I did the 6th grade (again). So I've pretty much been in the 6th grade for a year and a half. But it's ok! Because Saturday the 30th, we had our graduation! The graduating classes were kindergarten, 6th, and 10th grade. Each class (graduating or not) performed something. One group did a poem, and the others did songs and dances. Our class sang the song Proud Of You by Fiona Fung. I played piano, and a classmate of mine played guitar. We sounded pretty good, actually. But our performance wasn't perfect.

Our classmates who were singing in the front sang the second verse first, and then they had to repeat it after the chorus since it was the second verse. Then, at the bridge, one of my papers (that I had written the chords on) fell off of the stand, so I messed up a couple chords before my dad came and held them back up. Thanks dad :). But other than that, we sounded pretty decent. I didn't mess up the intro that I had to do on the piano, even though I was scared to death that I would mess it up. That's one thing to be thankful for. :) It's great that the school year is over, but it is a bit weird not having to study or worry about getting work done. I'm not complaining though!

Next: Thanksgiving! I could NOT wait for Thanksgiving! We were especially lucky this year, because we were able to celebrate with some Americans. We had two Thanksgiving dinners. One on Thanksgiving, and one on the 30th (yes, the same day as the graduation. It was a busy day...). On Thanksgiving, we had it with another missionary family and some single women. It was great! :) Then, on the 30th, we celebrated it with Joy's family and two other missionary families.

So, I hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving! I hope you had/have a lot of things to be thankful for, and I'm going to list a couple of things that I am thankful for below. (They're not in a specific order)

- My awesome mk friends :)
- My awesome family :)
- God and Jesus :)
- God sending his son :)
- Living in a country where I am free to share and show my faith :)
- A nice house to live in :)
- Love :)
- Music :)
- God's grace :)
- Being able to go to mk camp this year :)

Those are just a few things, but there is so much to give thanks for. The last one I am definitely looking forward to. Be sure to look forward to a post about that! This year has gone by so fast! I can't wait to see what God has in store for me, my family, and my friends next year! Christmas is just around the corner, and I can't wait to go to South Africa!

And now for the pictures! (I didn't add any of Tabby and Ben at the graduation, because they would have killed me. Just kidding. Oh well 😂)
Did anyone else put up their tree before Thanksgiving?

Me at the graduation. Wait, why is Asher making that face......😂

My mom and I made two of these apple pies

At the first Thanksgiving dinner (not literally)!
More pies!
We did a little play about the first Thanksgiving. Please, no autographs 😂 I was a Native American

And the moment we all waited for...... food! It was AMAZING!

The Sunday before they left, we went to the beach with everyone. It was a lot of fun!

 So that's about it! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Tchau for now. 

Love, Gracie :) 


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