The Hunters (Short Story)

Hey guys! Sorry it's been a while, somehow with quarantine I've found myself busy and procrastinating more than ever...but I am going to try to get back into the swing of things here with my blog, also with my YouTube channel and some other habits I'm trying to establish. Anyhoo, today I want to share a short story that I recently finished for a short story contest. It's less than 5,000 words long, and I'm actually quite proud of myself for finishing it haha. I'm really excited about it, and I hope you guys like it! I don't know who won the contest yet but I will update you guys! I'm sure there are great writers out there who entered, so I wouldn't be surprised if they won. Nevertheless, I figured there's no harm in trying, so now I present to you "The Hunters"....
Love, Gracie <3

The Hunters
Gracelyn Sparks

The October wind blew fiercely, leaving Em shivering. She stood in her front yard, looking back at her house. All of the memories she had there, good and bad, played in her mind.
This isn’t the time for second thoughts, she reminded herself. Pulling her hoodie over her auburn hair, Em turned around and headed into the night with nothing but a backpack holding a set of fresh clothes. About a mile later, she reached her destination: a tree with the symbol of an arrow carved into it. 
It’s now or never. 
“Are you Emmersyn?” A voice echoed quietly from behind the tree. Em started to turn around.
“Keep your eyes forward.”
Em froze.
“Y—yes, I’m Emmersyn.” 
“Very well.” 
Standing still, Em felt a cloth being tied over her eyes.
“Stay quiet.” 
The figure grabbed her arm and pulled her into the ominous forest. The next thing Em knew, she was being tied to a steel chair. Stay calm, this is how it works, she reassured herself.  Em felt the cloth that was blindfolding her pulled off, and she opened her eyes, alerted. She was sitting in a warehouse crudely lit with a few lamps. In front of her stood a desk where a man dressed in black sat. He had dark, blank eyes, a deep scar that ran across his right cheek, and the strangest smile Em had ever seen. A belt heavy with daggers encompassed his waist. On either side of Em stood a man and a woman, Hunters, both dressed in black clothes identical to the man at the desk. Their faces were blank, as if they hadn’t smiled in years.
“Welcome,” the man at the desk said as he stood up. His voice was deep and gritty, unpleasant to the ear. “I apologize for your trip here. I’m sure you understand, we have to maintain our secrecy.” 
“Of course, I understand.”
The man nodded to the Hunters standing by Em. They nodded back and left the warehouse, slamming the door behind them.
“Now, let’s introduce ourselves, shall we? I’m Nicolas, leader of the Hunters. You are Emmersyn Follise, correct?”
“Yes, sir.”
Nicolas picked up a folder from his desk and skimmed it nonchalantly. Em assumed it held information about her.
“Why would someone like you want to join the Hunters? I see you’ve had a good home, a good life—I see no reason why you should want to join us.”
Em’s face tensed as she answered.
“I’m sick of the Guardians and their King—brainwashing everyone with their lies of hope and peace. Besides, there’s no fun in being the good guys. You must know that better than anyone,” she grinned.
“Ah, I see.” Nicolas smiled and set the folder back down. Em knew she had said the right thing.
“I assume you know your duties?” he asked.
“Yes, sir.”
“As a Hunter you must swear to always stay loyal to your leader, in this case, me, and your fellow Hunters. We are your family now. You must swear to never converse or even be seen with a Guardian, unless you are on a mission. You must swear to pursue your prey with vigilance, dedication, and humility, knowing your place and knowing their wrongs. You must swear to break all bonds you have from your past life, to prevent obstacles in your missions. If you break any of this oath, you will be sentenced to a slow and painful death, unless you prove your loyalty. Do you swear?”
Em wished she could stop her body from shaking. Why am I so nervous?
“I—I swear,” she lifted a hand to her heart.
“Very well. Follow me,” Nicolas took a dagger out of his belt and walked over to Em. She flinched as he cut the ropes binding her to the chair. He then walked outside through a door on the side of the warehouse, and Em followed behind him. Nicolas led her through a nearby forest and stopped at a small tree stump. He placed his hand on the stump, and as if it had been covered with an invisible blanket, a large castle-like building appeared. Em gasped. 
“Welcome to our fortress.”
“Wow,” Em looked around in awe. The huge stone fortress towered over her, and nearby was a small field where some Hunters were practicing archery and sword fighting. Multiple fights had broken out between some other Hunters, but Nicolas didn’t seem to mind. 
A girl around Em’s age ran up to her and Nicolas. She was dressed in black, just like the other Hunters. A large bow was slung over her shoulders, along with a small pouch filled with arrows. She wore sleeveless gloves and combat boots, and a simple black headband adorned her head. 
“Nicolas,” the girl bowed. 
“Adeline, show our newest recruit to her room. Her initiation begins at dawn; I trust you will bring her to the grand hall at that time?”
“Yes, sir,” Adeline bowed again, then turned to Em.
“You must be Emmersyn. I’m Adeline. Welcome to the Hunters, follow me.”
“Hi Adeline, it’s nice to meet you.” 
Adeline brought Em into the fortress. Torches lit the hallways, and various weapons lined the walls. The air smelled like fresh pine trees, which Em loved. 
“So … what is my initiation?” Em wondered out loud. They passed what seemed to be a cafeteria and another room that looked as if it was used for training. Em was fascinated.
“A Hunter’s initiation is when they are Marked, take the oath, and learn their duties as a Hunter.”
“What do you mean, ‘take the oath’? Didn’t I already take it?”
“Oh, that was just part of it. There’s nothing to be worried about; it’s ritual.”
A few minutes later they reached a corridor lined with doors. 
“Your room is number 27, over there,” Adeline pointed to a room near the end of the hall.
“You can put away your things and get settled, and I’ll come get you when it’s time for your initiation.”
Em entered the room, throwing her backpack onto the bed. The room was warm and welcoming. Em felt like she never wanted to leave. She put her clothes in a dresser, undid her bed, and took a nap.
A few hours later, Em heard a knock on her door.
“Emmersyn? It’s time for your initiation.”
Rubbing her eyes, Em looked out her window. The sky was still dark. It must be 4 or 5 in the morning.
Em slid on her hoodie and put on her shoes, then walked out the door.
“Good morning.”
“Good morning,” Em yawned.
They walked to a small room near the entrance of the fortress. 
“I must stay out here for now; good luck.” Adeline bowed and opened the door to let Em enter the room. 
“Ok, thanks,” Em nodded and walked into the room.
It was warm, but a cool breeze seemed to come out of nowhere. Nicolas stood by a small box, picking at his nails.
“We meet again,” he said, not looking up.
“Nicolas,” Em bowed. 
“Welcome to your initiation; I’m sure you’re curious as to what it is exactly.”
“Yes, very.”
“Well, let’s not keep you waiting then. Come with me.” Nicolas picked up the box and walked out of the room; Em followed behind.
They walked to the large field that Em had seen earlier. This time, torches lined the four corners and center of it.  Hunters surrounded the field, all wearing identical black clothes, boots, bows, and pouches of arrows. Em suddenly felt awkward being the only one not in “uniform.” 
“Welcome, Hunters!” Nicolas yelled to the crowd. They cheered in return.
“Today we celebrate the initiation of our newest recruit, Emmersyn Follise.” Nicolas looked at Em.
“As a Hunter, your goal is to take down the Guardians and their King. You will face trials, tests, and difficulties, but you must swear to stay loyal. Are you ready, Emmersyn?”
“Yes, Nicolas, I am.”
“Now I must ask you once more. Do you swear to always stay loyal to your leader, in this case me, and your fellow Hunters? We are your family now. Do you swear to never converse or even be seen with a Guardian, unless you are on a mission? Do you swear to pursue your prey with vigilance, dedication, and humility, knowing your place and knowing their wrongs? Do you swear to break all bonds you have from your past life, to prevent obstacles in your missions?”
Taking one last glance at the crowd of Hunters waiting for her response, Em lifted her head and looked Nicolas in the eye.
“I swear.”
“Adeline!” Nicolas called into the crowd.
“Coming!” Adeline shouted as she ran to Nicolas’ side. “Your wrist, please.”
Em rolled up her sleeve, exposing her wrist, and placed her hand in Adeline’s. She wasn’t sure what would come next. Breathe.
Nicolas took what looked like a small stamp out of the box he had carried outside. He pressed it gently into a pad of permanent ink and held it over Em’s wrist.
“This marks your loyalty to us, your new family, the Hunters!” 
Everyone cheered as Nicolas carefully placed the stamp on Em’s wrist, applied pressure to it, and then took the stamp off of her wrist. The small emblem of an arrow shimmered on Em’s wrist in navy blue ink. 
“And now you are one of us,” Nicolas grinned. “To our newest HUNTER!” He raised Em’s wrist in the air, and the crowd of Hunters cheered. Em had never felt more at home in her life.
Nicolas turned to Em.
“Now the fun begins.”
~ 2 Years Later ~
“Come on Em, we can make it!” Adeline pulled Em off the ground. “I can see the gates to the King’s palace just ahead. You mustn’t give up now.”
Em looked down. Her clothes were torn, dirt covered her face, and she could barely stand. She looked back up at Adeline, who didn’t look much better. It had been a month since they’d run away from the Hunters. Em remembered convincing Adeline to come with her.
“Adele, I can’t do this anymore,” Em had said as she sat on her bed.
“What do you mean?”
“When I sleep at night, all I see are the Guardians’ faces, willingly giving their lives for the King. What have they done to us? Oh, Adele, I’ve been a fool. I cannot take any more lives, I just can’t.”
Adeline had paced back and forth.
“I know you feel the same, Adele, I can see it whenever we go on missions.”
“It’s just—” she bit her lip,”I’ve been a Hunter for years. Much longer than you, Em. And what will the others think? Surely they’ll come after us. And the King? How do we know He will accept us? We’ve taken so many lives, done so much wrong.”
“Adele, I’ve heard the message of the King. He promises forgiveness for all. The message of the Guardians isn’t one of violence and punishment like ours. It’s one of peace and comfort. I know, I’m nervous too, but I can’t continue like this.”
“You have changed so much since you first joined us, Em.”
“I know, I know. I guess when I joined the Hunters, I didn’t realize how hard it would be. The first year was fine. I was young and confident then, but now I’m starting to realize my wrongs and … I regret a lot.”
Looking out the window, Adeline put her hand on her head and then looked at Em.
“This won’t be easy. We’re going to need a plan.”
“So you’re agreeing, then?”
“Unfortunately, yes,” Adeline laughed. 
“Em?” Adeline waved her hand in front of Em’s face. 
Blinking, Em shook her head. 
“Sorry, I—I was remembering something.”
            “Well, you can remember it later. Let’s continue, shall we?” Adeline rolled her eyes playfully.
Suddenly something rustled in the bushes nearby. Adeline’s eyes darted to the bushes.
            “Who’s there?”
            An arrow shot from behind a tree. Adeline flicked her arm back and caught it before it could pierce her neck. She then turned around and snapped the arrow over her knee.
            “Good catch.” A figure emerged from behind the tree. It was Conrad, their trainer. His blond hair was ragged and dirty, and his black clothes had holes and thorns in them. He’s been following us, Em realized. 
            “I’ve taught you well, but I’m still disappointed in you, Adele.” 
            “What do you want, Conrad? We’ve outrun and defeated your Hunters before, and we can do it again,” Em said as she walked up and stood beside Adeline.
            “I mean no harm. You two are some of our finest Hunters, and we don’t want to lose you. Stop chasing the King’s foolish lies and come back with us.”
            “The King’s words are true, and his Guardians don’t deserve our wrath. We are done chasing your foolish lies. Leave us,” Em said, then stepped forward, inches away from his face. 
            “Nicolas said he wanted you back at the fortress. He didn’t say how we were to get you there,” Conrad took an arrow out of his pouch and fingered it coolly.  “The King promises hope and peace, correct? Well, where is your King now? His lies are like a fairy tale. They’re meant to lull you away and hide you in your ignorance. Don’t throw your lives away so quickly,” he continued.
            “The King will give us hope and peace, no matter what. He will give us strength to complete our journey, and nothing you can do will stop that.”
            “Where did you hear this nonsense?” Conrad laughed.
            “Have you noticed that the Guardians give their lives just to tell us about Him? They come to us, knowing we’ll take their lives, only to tell us about His wonderful promises. I don’t know about you, but I know that I would rather give my life up for the promise of peace and love than give it up for the promise of bloodshed and war.”
            “What has happened to you, Emmersyn? Are you no longer the brave, bold, fun-loving Hunter you were once before?”
            “I’ve realized the truth. I regret every life that I took and every heart that I’ve broken, and I know the only place I will ever be fully forgiven is at the palace of the King.”
            “I’m very disappointed in you, Emmersyn.”
            “I don’t need your approval,” Em held her head high and laughed as Conrad’s face flushed red. Shaking his head, he took a step to the side so that he was face to face with Adeline.
“And as for you, Adeline—”
            “I have no words for you, Conrad. I’m disgusted that you’ve led your life in ignorance and violence. Even now, as we speak the truth, you fail to listen.”
            “I see this is a lost cause. You girls are too brainwashed to come back to your senses. Nicolas won’t mind at all if I dispose of you—in fact, I might be rewarded,” Conrad nodded to someone behind Em and Adeline, and they turned around. Standing behind them were two Hunters, arrows aimed. Em glanced up at the pearly gates a few miles ahead. We’ve come so close; it can’t end like this.
            Adeline looked at Em. They met eyes, then nodded in understanding. Adeline put up three fingers—3, 2, 1… NOW!
            Adeline charged toward Conrad, tackled him, and took his arrows. Em pulled out her bow and an arrow and pointed it at the two other Hunters. 
            “Don’t make me shoot!” Em knew she had been famous for her accuracy and speed in archery. The Hunters stood firm and pulled out their bows. Em aimed slightly above the female Hunter’s head. She released and the arrow went flying. It barely passed the top of the Hunter’s head, pinning her headband to a tree behind her.
            “I missed. Do you want me to try again?” Em smirked. The Hunters ran into the forest. 
            “Let’s go,” Adeline pointed toward the pearly gates. They seemed so close but so far at the same time. She walked into the forest, disappearing behind the many trees and bushes. Em hesitated.
            “Em, don’t be afraid. We are so close, I’d say only a few more miles. Think of how welcoming and beautiful the King’s palace will be when we get there. Come on!” Adeline appeared from behind a tree. She took Em’s hand and led her through the forest. Em laid her head on Adeline’s shoulder as they walked.
            A few hours later they arrived at the pearly gates, the entrance to the King’s palace. 
            “We’ve made it,” Adeline sighed.
            “Adele, we’re finally here! After all this time,” Em beamed. 
            They walked up to the gates, unsure of how to enter. Em carefully ran her fingers over the intricate designs on the gates, then knocked on them gently, afraid to damage the serene beauty. The gates swung open and a girl met them inside. She had curly black hair and wore a snow-white robe. A crown of daisies adorned her head, and she wasn’t wearing any shoes.
“Welcome to the King’s palace, we’ve been expecting you two. Emmersyn and Adeline, right?” 
“Y—yes. How did you know?” Em asked, surprised.
“The King has knowledge of everyone, everywhere. He sees and knows all things. I’m Shiloh, it’s nice to meet you.” Shiloh took Em and Adeline’s hands and brought them into the palace.
Gold and beautiful jewels lined the walls and doorways of the palace. Children ran about  the courtyard playing happily together, and youth around Em’s age walked around talking calmly. Em had never seen a sky of such bright blue, and the grass, lush and green, matched the handsome sky. Em’s boots sank softly into the grass, bringing rest to her tired feet. The weather was warm, but a cool breeze swept through the palace. Bird song filled the air, and there was no sign of any grief or anger anywhere.
            “My sister Faith will give you two fresh clothes and some food. I assume you’ve been traveling for days—you must be tired. Tonight we will have a grand feast to welcome you both; the King will be delighted to see you.”
            “Thank you for your hospitality, Shiloh, we appreciate it,” Em smiled.
            “Of course, for as the King loves us, we should love others,” Shiloh responded.
           A few minutes later they arrived at a small house built into the wall surrounding the palace. Shiloh opened the door and led Em and Adeline inside. 
            “Faith?” Shiloh called.
            “Coming, sister!” Faith walked out of a room, dusting her hands on the apron tied around her waist.
            “Oh, welcome! My apologies, I didn’t know you were coming so soon. I’ve just gotten the bread in the oven, so as soon as you’ve finished with your baths it should be ready. Adeline, your room is this one just to your right, and Emmersyn, yours is the one after that. There are clean clothes and towels for you to use after your baths. Is that ok?”
            “Yes, that’s perfect,” Adeline said as she and Em nodded. 
            “All right. I will just be in the kitchen if you need anything at all.” Faith smiled and walked into the kitchen, Shiloh following behind.
            “Adele, this place … it’s perfect. There is no suffering, no pain, no grief; only joy, peace, kindness, and beauty. I’m so happy that you’ve come with me. I would not have gotten this far if you were not by my side.” Em embraced Adeline. 
            “Thank you, Em. If it weren’t for you, I would have never left the Hunters. Now I wonder how anyone can leave this place or live without it,” Adeline laughed softly and accepted the embrace. 
Letting go slowly, Em squeezed Adeline’s hand excitedly and walked into her room. When she had finished her bath, she changed into the clothes that Faith had provided. Shortly after, Faith brought in the fresh bread she had baked, which Em finished quickly. Em felt a strong sense of peace, but there was still a doubt lingering in her mind—What if the King doesn’t accept me? I’ve done so much wrong, and no one here seems to have a history like I do. Surely I will be an outcast.
Em pondered this as she lay on the bed, trying to fall asleep. Eventually her tired eyes gave way, and she fell into a slumber. 
A few hours later, Em was awoken by a soft knock at her door.
“Emmersyn? It’s Faith.”
“It’s open!” Em sat up in the bed, briskly brushing her fingers through her hair.
“The time has come for you to meet the King. The feast for your arrival will start shortly. May I help you get ready? I believe Shiloh is assisting Adeline at the moment,” Faith said as she gently sat on the bed next to Em.
“Oh, already? I don’t know if I am ready to meet Him ...” Em bit her lip.
“Is something troubling you, Emmersyn?” 
“I’m worried about meeting the King. There are so many reasons for Him to not accept me. What if He realizes that I am not fit to be here?” Em said and looked at the shimmery Mark on her wrist.
“Emmersyn, the King forgives and accepts everyone. Shiloh and I, we used to be thieves. Our parents died when we were quite young, and so we stole to get food and make a living. One day, we heard the news of the King and His palace. We realized that was the only place we would ever truly be at peace and be forgiven. There are many others who live here who have similar stories.” Faith grabbed Em’s hand. “You are not alone. The King will accept you. It doesn't matter who you used to be or what you’ve done. All that matters is that you are here now and you have repented of your wrongs.”
Em saw the genuineness in Faith’s eyes as she told her this and felt the burden lifted off her back.
“Thank you, Faith, I believe you. Everyone here is so at peace, it’s hard to understand how any of them could have been any different at another point in their lives.”
“I know, but truly all of us have been lost at some point or another. What sets us apart from the others is that we choose to repent and find forgiveness here. You’ve made a good decision in coming.”
“I can see that.” Em smiled and stood up. “Well, I suppose I should start getting ready.”
“Yes, of course!” Faith grabbed a brush and began brushing and braiding Em’s hair. A few minutes later, Em was ready.
“Let’s go, shall we?” Faith opened the door.
Waiting for them outside of the door were Adeline and Shiloh. Shiloh’s hair was in a slick bun and Adeline’s was in two thick braids that ran from the top of her head to her shoulders. Both of their heads were adorned with small white flowers.
“I think I’m ready,” Adeline told Em.
“Me too,” Em responded.
They chatted happily with each other as they slowly walked to the entrance of the King’s palace. When they arrived at the giant doors, Shiloh knocked on them softly and they opened. 
I can do this. Em took a breath and walked into the palace. 
Beautiful floral murals covered the walls, and plants stood in each corner of the large entrance room. Music flowed softly from the door at the very end of the room. 
“The dining room is just behind that door,” Shiloh said as she gently pushed Em and Adeline toward the door. Hand in hand, they walked through the doors as Shiloh and Faith opened them. 
Similar to the entrance room, murals covered the walls of the dining room, but they weren’t just floral. Many of the murals depicted the King saving men, women, and children as well as Guardians defending Him. There was a large table with children, men, and women gathered around it. The table was set with dishes that looked as if they were made of gold, and bright candles lined the middle of the table. Many trays holding various foods and drinks were placed generously all over the table. At the end of the table sat a man who seemed different from everyone else. He had a sparkle in his eye and a soft face, and He was wearing dark purple clothes.
“Emmersyn, Adeline,” He called them. 
He’s the King, Em realized suddenly. She ran to Him and fell at His feet, weeping.
“Do not be afraid, do not worry my daughter, all is forgiven. You are with me now,” the King took Em’s hands and stood up, pulling her up with Him. He opened his arms and embraced Em as she buried her head in His chest.
“It’s all right, my daughter, everything will be okay, you are mine. You are mine.”
~ The End ~
So yeah guys! That's it! I hope y'all like it, and be sure to leave me any feedback you have in the comments down below. Sorry it's a bit long, and no pressure to read it all hahaha. Thanks for stopping by, and I'll see you in the next post :)


  1. I love this SO much, GrAcIe. You are so talented at writing! You paint beautiful pictures with your words. Keep it up, :)

  2. Hey Gracie! I really like your story and I wouldn't be surprised if you won. I'm almost definitely not going to win cause I made lots of mistakes but I wouldn't be surprised if you win. I love you. And Hannah asked if she can type something so here you go. 😂

    Hannah: good i like it

    XD She didn't even read it.

  3. This is great Gracie!! Oof, I just realized that I am pretty late in responding....
    But anyways, it is super interesting!
    Great job <3


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