April Overview

Hey guys! Yep, it's that time of the month. Today I'm going to be giving you guys an overview/update of April. This month has been interesting. Challenging at some times, exciting at others, so today I thought I'd just give you guys a quick overview of all of it :)

If you guys didn't know, my mom, younger sister, and I all have birthdays in April. Judah turned 9 on the 7th, my mom's birthday was the 11th (let's just say she turned 25 haha), and I turned 13 on the 12th, which was coincidently Easter! It was a bit weird having my birthday on Easter haha, but it was pretty good. Sadly, I wasn't able to see any friends on my birthday, but I was still able to message them and they sent me some really sweet messages, so thank you to them <3 ^-^

Most of the month we were on break, but we started school back again on the 20th of April. As I've mentioned in a previous post, we're doing online school, which actually wasn't too much of an adjustment, as our school does a lot online with Google Classroom, Google Hangouts, and a couple other platforms. We've had a ton of projects, but we've pulled through and gotten them done! If I'm being completely honest, I actually prefer schooling like this to going to an actual school heheh. I don't know, I guess that's because I haven't been to school in FOREVER....but yeah xD

My YouTube channel has grown! Oh my word, thank you to everyone who's subscribed, it means the absolute world to me. I love you guys so so so much! My first video in April was the fourth, and at that time I had 70 subs. Now I have 91 (as of today)! It's insane, and I'm honestly kinda surprised that I have that many haha. I'm hoping I can get to 100 by the end of May, but we'll have to see ;) If you guys haven't subscribed, or if you didn't know I had a YouTube channel haha, you can check it out here or click the link in the sidebar :)

I'm currently working on a writing project for a small short story contest my friend is co-hosting, so I might post it when I'm done! It's an analogy of people who try to bring down Christianity/opposers of Christianity and then Christians. The main character, Emmersyn (Em) joins the Hunters (people who try to take down the King and his Guardians) and a few years later she decides that she can't do it anymore and runs away with fellow Hunter/good friend Adeline (Adele) to the King's palace because she knows that's the only place she'll ever be forgiven and find peace. I'm really excited about it, so stay tuned for that ;)

I know I didn't do this last month, but I really wanted to add a VOTM (verse of the month) to this post, because I know at this point we're all in need of a little encouraging/comforting. Haha, the VOTM is actually two verses, but it still counts ;)

"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." Lamentations 3: 22-23 ESV

You've probably heard this verse before, but it's just a great reminder that through all of this, God is still here, he hasn't left us, he's always faithful and loving to us. I encourage you to read this verse in your bible, maybe look at a few different versions of it, and think about what it means for you. They're just simple verses but they're so so meaningful!

And now for some pictures!

On my mom's birthday!

For our birthdays (on my mom's birthday) we went to a friend's house and got our nails done!

Easter! Also my birthday haha. We did a mini egg hunt in our house :)

At the pool! We went to a small lodge to eat lunch and swim

That's about all for today, I hope you guys had a great April! There were lows and highs, but I trust that everything that happened was according to God's purpose and it happened for a reason. Be sure to stay tuned for future posts, and I would love it if you would subscribe so you get notifications whenever I post :) Also, check out my friends' blogs in the sidebar, they're awesome! I love you guys so so much, and I hope you enjoy reading :) Thanks for stopping by!

Love, Gracie ^-^ <3


  1. I love this so much! <3 I can't wait to see how your story goes, you wrote it (and this!) so beautifully! Haha, I bet you get those subs quicker than you can say 100 ;) Love you!

    1. Aw thanks, you're so sweet! <3 Haha, we'll see ;) Love you too!


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