School Tips
Yes, we have officially come to this subject. School. Ah, what a controversial topic. As you guys may know, COVID-19 has caused a lot of schools to close. In fact, probably almost all of them. And some schools have gone online. So we've started doing school online. We use G Suite, which has a bunch of cool tools you can use like Google Classroom, Google Hangouts, Google Docs, etc. So far it's gone pretty well. Today I wanted to give you guys some tips for school. These are mostly for online classes/homeschool, but some of them could probably be used for real school. I am actually using these and adding more as I find what has helped me. I hope you find them helpful! - Turn your phone on SILENT Don't put it on vibrate or turn down the volume. Put it on silent!! Even when your phone vibrates or rings quietly, it can still be a distraction and you'll find yourself checking it. Believe me, I do. If you know you won't check it even if you put it on vibrate or ...