Interview With Katelynn from Katelynn's Corner

So Katelynn, tell me a little bit about yourself. Where you live, where you're from, some of your hobbies, and anything else you want to say about yourself.
Hello! I'm Katelynn and I'm thirteen years old. I live in Russia, although I was born in Texas and lived there for my first nine years of life. I love to read, write (I have a blog, a novel in progress, and some short stories), make slime, and play the piano. And I'm also super glad I can do this "collab" post with Gracie :D
Nice! Haha, I'm glad I can have you here. ^-^ You guys should definitely check out Katelynn's blog, Katelynn's Corner! I will link it down below, and you can also find the link in the sidebar. Anyhoo, what's it like in Russia?
Well, it was definitely different to me when we moved here. People walk around a lot more and the bread is fresh daily. It's not all great, though, because I didn't make any friends my age here. That's probably the hardest thing about living here. It's hard to connect with locals because of language barriers, and the language is sooo hard. But it's home now, and I wouldn't ever trade it for anywhere else :)
Yeah, I know the feeling, but that's great that it's home now! :) What would you say is the hardest thing about being a TCK?
Many people back at home told me it would be the culture shock, but to me it was the loneliness. Even when we went back to visit America, I was the "foreign russian" girl. And in Russia I am the "foreign American" girl. Sometimes (before I had online friends) I needed a friend but didn't have any. Now, don't get me wrong the people I met were very friendly, but of course we didn't connect very well because of the language barrier.
Yeah that sounds rough. I hope it will get better as time goes on :) On a happier note, what do you think is the best thing or your favorite thing about being a TCK?
I'm actually glad you asked me this, because in my other answer I made it seem like being a TCK is the loneliest thing ever. After a while of going to meetings with other TCKs occasionally, meeting other TCKs in the area, and joining my online school filled with other TCKs, I made some of the best friends. Now, it can be lonely as some of my friends live miles away, and the local friends here aren't really friends, but I have met some truly amazing people and even though we may be completely different, being TCKs gives us a huge similarity. Being a TCK has helped me connect on a much deeper level with the people I do become friends with. Kinda controversial, but so true. So, I'm sad because I don't have friends physically close to me all the time, but happy because we are actually close. Hard to explain sometimes 😋
Haha, it's totally fine! And I agree completely. So what is one thing that you feel God has been teaching you lately?
Well the other night I was reading in my Bible and one verse really stuck out to me. It was in Matthew, chapter 13, verse 9 . The verse read something like this, "He who has ears, let him hear." It really felt like God was trying to tell me to listen to Him, to really strive and pray about His Word, as I often let worldly things and hobbies distract me from that.
That's a really good thing to remember! Especially at this point when there are a lot of distractions and other things we could listen to. Ok, last question: Is there anything else you want to tell our readers?
Well, I don't have anything much except to remember that God isn't surprised by these events of corona, and that He has a plan. Remember Psalm 56:3, "Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved," when you're afraid of the way corona is affecting the world. It's pretty big, but minor to God. Hope to see you around on my blog 😉
Yeah, that is so true! It's been great having you on my blog, and you guys should definitely check out Katelynn's blog at Katelynn's Corner :)
That's all for today guys! I hope you liked this interview, and I hope I can do more interviews later. Make sure to check out Katelynn's blog in the link above and in the sidebar! I would love it if y'all would subscribe (click the subscribe button on the homescreen) so you know when I post next.
Love y'all, and I'll see you in my next post! Tchau :)
- Gracie <3
Love it! You two are great!
ReplyDeleteThanks EmMy! :)
DeleteNice one! This was great!
ReplyDeleteThanks! ^-^
DeleteWow! Amazing job GrAcIe! I loved being in this post, hopefully I'll get yours up soon. (Thanks for the shoutout, haha :D) I can't wait to see your next one <3
DeleteHaha, thanks KaTe! No problem at all, it was great having you here! :D
DeleteThanks <3
That was great! I loved the interview! And I'll definitely check out her blog! :D
ReplyDeleteThanks! :)
DeleteI was thinking of interviewing you soon as well ;)
Yay, I'm sure she'll love that! ^-^
Np! And ok! ^-^