A Ilea

Last Tuesday we went to a place called the Ilea, which means Island in Portuguese. My parents had been there before, and it's like an hour and a half away. The bridge to get there is, well, confusing. There's only one lane, and there are certain parts on the bridge that you can pull to the side to let cars coming from the opposite direction pass by. It took a while to get there, but once you get out of the car, the sight is truly beautiful! I mean, it's an island, so there are lots of beaches. We didn't swim, but we did get to do some sight seeing. On the island, there is an old fort that was used back in the 1500s. We were able to go inside and look around. It's really cool! It looks out on the beach, and there are still cannons lined around the roof. It's huge! And Tabby, Ben, and I had a lot of fun exploring the inside. After we went saw the fort, we had lunch, then looked in some stores. We were told we could find a certain kind of pants at the Ilea, but we couldn't find them. So after that, we drove home. If you ever have the chance to come to Mozambique, you should really go to the Ilea! Well, unless you speak Portuguese, you may want to have a translator on hand.
But anywho, please pray for our move to Pemba, I think we know what house we want to move to, and we plan to move sometime in February. Thanks for your support!
And also, I want to say sorry for no pictures 😢. I tried to airdrop them to this computer from my mom's phone, but it wasn't really working. Maybe next week I will find a way to get them to work. Sorry!

Until next time, Tchau! Love, Gracie 💙   


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